living with post polio syndrome
created by adventurer, blogger, keynote speaker & psychologist Viney LuganiWelcome to my blog on living with post polio syndrome
The reason why I believe that people need to know not just about polio but about people who survived the polio virus. Who else can tell you the stories of people what they went through because for some reason they didn´t have had the opportunity to receive a vaccination? Who else can tell you much better on the late effects of polio if not those who are facing PPS and are being confronted later in their lives between 30 and 60 years with it?
My name ist Viney and I welcome you to my life as a polio survivor. I created this blog to raise the voice and direct the attention to, what it feels to me, the forgotten people. I am collecting stories about people living with post polio syndrome.
So if you have a story to tell, please do not hesitate and contact me to publish it here on my blog!
with love and sunshine
Viney, Berlin 11th July 2022
Current Polio Stats
Numbers and statistics have been researched from different scientific websites.
Million living with Post Polio Syndrome
% Worldwide infant Polio vaccinations 2020
estimated polio cases worldwide 2021
Million Polio Survivors
life stories
living with post polio syndrome
These individuals have written down their life stories to give an insight how it is to live with post polio syndrome and how they manage their lives the best way they can.
Why is no one talking to me?
Maybe the sun was shining, maybe the sky was covered with dark clouds. All I really know is that...
Kia ora koutou – may you all be well!
My name is Karen Butterworth. I’m a Kiwi – not a small brown fruit or large wingless bird, but a...
Blog in development
this blog is being built step by step! Thank you for Visiting, please come back again. Thank you!

How I found out that I have the Post Polio Syndrome
The idea of this blog came to me about 3 years ago. At that time I was but more busy than I expected and also it was the time were I started feeling more frequently fatigue and that was when my internal radar starting warning me about PPS (Post Polio Syndrome). But it...
My Health Secrets
Would you like to know how I manage my health? Then check this!

Sources on Polio
1. Our World in Data
If you are into numbers and want to know more about how things develop in numbers regarding also polio then this website is for you!
2. March of dimes
One of the most important websites on Polio with an impactful message and mission
3. WHO – World Health Organisation
Get the whole picture and the latest insights on polio vaccination on the website of the WHO
4. World´s leadings specialist on Polio
During my researches on the internet I was shocked to see that are only a few people on this planet who really know about polio, pps and leop. One of them international know is Dr. Bruno. Here is his website.

A personal message for you
Book your appointment with me!